I keep my problem on a leash, next to me at all times and named him "Jim". For too slim are the chances to make more, the last moment dances, the moonlit fancies. Despite each and every one of my flaws, I still manage to drop rhymes like I drop jaws. I've had problems, but now the claws are out and I can scream, yell and shout as loud as I can but the noise will not even register above the applause.
I'm breaking all the laws that I have set for myself. It's always been easier to throw it out than fix it. Life is like a drink, the way that I mix it and I've seen people kick back fly through life on a crash course but I don't need to try it because it isn't really living if you do it on auto-pilot.
I won't try to deny a thing, I've got problems, but they aren't all I have. I nav-igate through a world of hate and it's always swim or sink and suffocate. I've got issues, but in the face of all those who said I was "not that great", They'll have a date with a leg brace before I let them make me believe it.