I want to bury myself in books; to not be here. There is a gnawing at my heart that will. not. stop. There is a pain in my soul; a weight upon my chest; an edge to my voice-- a falter in my wall of defense. I cannot bear this weight of stupidity radiating out from the immature idiots surrounding me. I cannot exist in such an environment. I need to go I need to go I need to go I am tired I am weary I am DONE. Shut up. Stop Just Β Β Stop. I cannot eat. I cannot function. They are a detriment to my very existence. What chaos leaving Chaos has erupted in my present day. You are so childish, so rank, so foolish. Grow up. Grow up and leave me. I need to go I need to go I need to go Escape. Escape. I need to be alone. There is a groaning in my bones that cannot be quiet. Quiet QUiet QUIet QUIEt QUIET I need *quiet.