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Sep 2014
Daddy says join the football team.
Daddy says answer me when he talks.
Daddy says be the best.
Daddy says be a man.
But I wish not to be a footballer.
Or any kind of sportsman.
I wish to write.
I wish to read.
As much as I long for the words.
The ones that form in my head.
They cannot be spoken.
They cannot be heard.
Being the best is what I want.
Yet it is so hard if you know not what the best is.
I am not the best.
I am never the best.
How am I to be a man if no-one will show me what a man is.
My father is a strange man, one who beats his son.
My father is not a man.
My father is not a man.
Shona-Ann Peacock
Written by
Shona-Ann Peacock
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