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Aug 2014
Perhaps I should have known better, after all it is against the law to stalk a person, but I was overwhelmed with her. She danced so erotically and I couldn't take my eyes off her in the nightclub.

Her hair was raven black, with pale skin, blood red lips and a face that screamed perfection. Attired in a red leather jacket covering a skin-tight black dress that moulded the impeccable figure that lay beneath. I didn't intend to follow her. I just hovered behind her almost dragged along by her scent.

I watched as she entered the building and just couldn't help looking up as I saw the light in her flat illuminate the full length window. My mouth watered as she undressed provocatively, eyes glazed as she removed her clothes.

She undressed almost as if she was aware that I was watching and seemed content to continue with such entertainment. I could quite clearly see her clad in her bra and *******, suspenders and high heeled shoes. When she looked out of the window and beckoned me with her finger I nearly **** a brick but I was unable to stop myself from entering the building.

I do not remember walking up the stairs but it seems that I must have because I was soon standing opposite the open door, the entrance to her apartment. I followed the scent of this ***** like a dog on heat, led on by animal lust and entered the property. I didn't notice the door closing as I walked hypnotically up the hallway. Glimpses of leering faces from passageway doors never penetrated into my psyche as I continued. I was deaf to the footsteps that trailed behind me as I haplessly followed my desire.

I shivered with delight as I entered the room to my voluptuous temptress, watching in awe as she rhythmically seduced me with her sway. She danced around me like a tigress and I was thrilled to the core as she enveloped me in her arms. I was delirious with pleasure as she feasted on the blood that flowed through my arteries. So high was I with gratification that I wasn't even aware of her minions who had indulged themselves in this banquet, even though I was indeed the main course.

Now I am one of those minions. My first death has seen me walking alongside the vile, feeding on the stupidity and wantonness that is mankind.
July 2014
Christopher K Bayliss
Written by
Christopher K Bayliss  London. UK
(London. UK)   
     ryann, ---, Christopher K Bayliss and SPT
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