I told you to read Big Sur maybe once gone someone will listen will you hear the sound of the crashing waves like I did how Jack did or just laugh at bloated blackened burned corpse all maggots, flies and half truths about the instability of our college foursome wistful lost thoughts of shirtless circus too old now to justify
it is never enough or is that just me maybe missing the point all joy seemingly escaped how i long for simpler times when we knew each other and didnt have to yell to be heard but every new wet hole holds the cure, for a minute does it not or so you say informing me now of the latest last *** **** is that enough does it make you whole would it make me whole too or translucent like metaphysical sieve yet i am losing my great big dharma spectre and did you ever really have one or did you just study and play at great booming philosophies pretending with big yelling words as if louder equals absolute reality that is how they taught you is it not
whilst sleeping we coined you the new buddha you tell me as if i am to jump joyfully at this did you sufficiently whet your beak young buck as tired heads are tilted back sardonically surveying your scene are you trying to convince me or yourself honey?