I now remember, all the times I had with her. That day at the park, that day when I treated her to dinner, or that day when we went to the movies, and stayed for far too long.
I now remember, all the things about her. Her gorgeous eyes, her bright smile, or how our hands fitted perfectly.
But those things don't matter anymore
Now I've been left with this aching pain. I've been spending sleepless nights, still thinking about her. Oh why didn't I see, just how much she treasured me?
It was foolish of me letting her leave. If only I can turn back time, to spend one more moment, one more second with her in my arms.
Why didn't I show that I love her. Why didn't I show that she meant the world to me. But these things don't matter anymore. Since now all I have, is myself to blame.
***Something got messed up and I accidentally deleted my original post (sorry to those who faved and commented :<), so I'm posting it again with minor alterations***