You say I smile to often You say I don't know pain Well, friend, if you knew my night time dreams You wouldn't say it again
They say that us smilers are silly That life is simply the loss and gain But they don't know our secret They think it's all trained
Here is the smilers secret We walk through the dark tunnels of life just like you But when you turn from the light at the end of the tunnel We walk until the light is our point of view
And we never get tired of the light on our face We never return to the dark For who would want to walk in that tunnel When you've seen the light of His heart?
I think that's part of your problem You're afraid of what you don't know I think that you've only known darkness And that's all you think you can sow
Yes darkness still follows me sometimes It's just a part of this life But you chose to let light or dark lead you Through the tunnels of strife
But please, don't follow the tunnel's dark paths And next time the light shines in your eyes Remember it's not pointing out your pain It's helping you see past the lies
So walk through the light at your tunnel And if you are able to Remember to take some of that light And take it to others, like I've done for you