You're asleep and I sit here looking at you. Flipping through the pages of your past, my heart bleeds for you tears well in my eyes for you.
I've seen the things you have, experienced it all, lived it all - at your side.
You, my friend, my dearest friend - I've known you all your life
You show mercy, even to the smallest creature you fight for the weak and helpless
I just wish you could show yourself that mercy show yourself the love and compassion you so freely do for others
For you deserve it! The stuff you've endured the life you've had and challenges you've faced, would have broken lesser men
Now I lay you down to sleep maybe to be released again in the morning's early hours when your defences are down!
For in the day, you keep me locked behind our eyes you cage me in our heart, you silence me and I stare in horror as you flog us beat and punish us and deal harshly with us for stuff that hasn't always been our fault.
Tomorrow morning, reading this please show yourself some mercy you're not that bad you might even be better than you know even deserving of **love
from me to me. From the me that is locked up, chained up and silenced, so that I can can deal with the world. Restrained, so that I can pick up the sword and fight another day