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Aug 2014
Ya know …..  
This is a question ….  
that leaves me …    
… " Confused " … ???  
The question is …    
…… " THIS " ……..    
What can … YOU DO … ?!?  
Now …    
Trust me folks ...  
i'm not here to … Abuse … !!!  
But ….    
Come On Now … !!!  
Don't Act … " The Fool " … !!!!!  
Don't be … " SURPRISED … !!!  
When … " Drug Filled Highs " … !!!  
slowly …………….. "subside" ………..  
and … " Modern Life " ...  
Leaves you … " Feeling " …  
…. " Pain and Strife " …. !!!  
It Seems ... these days … ?  
that … riSING Tides ...  
and … Government LIES … !!!!!  
have made … "Some People" ...  
………. " REALISE " ……… !!!!!!!!!!    
Life is …  
NOT About … Mad Cash … !!!  
*******, Speed,  
or … Afghan Hash … !!!  
Life is … So Much …  
MORE … Than That … !!!    
So ask yourself … ?  
What can you do … ?  
to … BETTER … things ...  
for … ME … and … YOU … !!!  
" Going " …    
to … school ...  
is … Many's View ...  
OK … that's cool … !!!  
but … WHO ... has built …  
These … "INSTITUTES" … ??!??  
of … " Education " ...  
" Government Taxation " … ???  
Take … " Your Time " ...  
it's NOT … A Crime …    
to let these thoughts  
run through … Your Mind …    
How many youth ?  
will get the chance ...  
to dance … The Dance ...  
THAT … " Rich Kids " … do … !?!  
while watching … " Daddy " …  
"FILL" … His ... " Boots " … !!!!!!  
It's just a … Question … ?  
like …….. " This One " …  
What can you do … ?  
How about this … ?  
Don't Live … for … YOU … !!!!  
Live for … Those ...  
Who … Surround You …    
These days …    
That's … HARD … !!!  
I know … That's True …    
But …    
Here's a … Quote …    
to give you … " Clues " …  
on … How to … CHANGE …  
These …. ATTITUDES …. !!!!    
The needs of …    
THE MANY …. !!!!!  
"OUTWEIGH" … !!!  
The Needs ...    
of …. The Few ….  
or … THE ONE …. !!!  
Take that  … IN …  
Don't spit … but … CHEW … !!!!!  
These words make ...  
Me … Want To … DO …  
things like … REASON …  
with our … " Youth " … !!!  
NOT …..  
Preach or Train  
but … try to … Explain …  
How to …. KEEP …. !!!  
A … " Sense-Filled " … Brain … !!!  
and …    
How to … COPE ...  
with … " Mental Pain " ...  
and let them … Know …  
Life's … NOT … A Game … !!!  
It's … HARD … these days ...  
To Make … That Move …    
because … BUREAUCRATS … !!!  
Try … "Stopping" … you …    
That's the … way ..  
They … Like to be ...  
But …  
TRUST ME … folks … !!!  
They WON'T … Stop Me … !!!!!  
from …    
Trying to use …  
My Poetry ...  
to get to … " The Few " …  
Who … HEED … My Speech …    
So ….. ?  
What about … YOU … ???  
What can … YOU DO … ?!?  
Try Being … TRUE … !!!  
With Friends and People ...  
You … Speak to …  
That's … just the … START … !!!!!  
because change won't come ...  
from … " Smart Remarks " … !!!!!  
While you sit …  
in your … " Phat Yard " … !!!!!  
Those who … do this ..  
" Think " ... They're Smart … !!!!!  
Until ... Their World ...  
is … " RIPPED " … apart … !!!!!  
Nowadays ….  
in … Many Ways … !!!  
Natures' ANGER'S …  
On … DISPLAY … !!!!    
Earthquakes … and ...  
WILD … Hurricanes … !!!!!  
See ….  
These are things …  
WE CAN'T … ignore … !!!!!  
Money Wars … !!!  
leave people … " POOR " … !!!!!  
While people … sit …  
and now … ARGUE …  
Come on man … !!!  
What Can You Do … !?!  
NOT … Everyone …    
is BAD … out there … !!!  
But …  
Please be … PREPARED … !!!!!  
because snakes ...  
are … "lurking" …  
and will … DARE …    
to … Threaten You …    
and make you … SCARED … !!!!!  
So …    
Don't just let them … !!!  
Do … YOUR SHARE …. !!!  
and show the … Moaners ...  
That …… YOU CARE …….  
and want … RID OF …  
" New Tony Blairs !!! " …  
The only thing … constant ...  
is simply …. " CHANGE " ….    
So ….  
Don't just sit there ...  
…. " RE-ARRANGE " ….  
and make …    
" Our World " …  
A … BETTER PLACE … !!!!!  
Just …    
REMEMBER … Folks ...    
These are …  
" MY VIEWS " …  
So … take them … IN …  
I've given … " Clues " …    
and answers …. TOO …. !!!!  
to … YES …  
THAT … Question …  
" What Can You Do ? "
Just a question or two .......
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
   Joseph Schneider
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