When she brushed his hand aside, he had to think; to search the heart, adrift in the body, to find a way that would make things clear, but all that came was a breath of air , and it carried with it some words, spoken with resignation, that spelled a plea: “don’t make me beg”, he said.
Half a world away, a man rested beside a woman. she looked up at him and brushed his hand along her breast. when it came to rest, at last , along a thigh and probed between, she brushed his hand aside, and breathed a breath of air that said, “don’t…” a moment passed, maybe three.
“make me beg…”, she whispered.
20 September 2013
A look at the difference a humble comma can make and ****** ******* in the complete absence of physical restraint. read here by the author: https://soundcloud.com/warmphase/dont-make-me-beg