I'm four years old searching for bugs, lizards and frogs then putting them in boxes because I wanted to be like god. They never lived long. I buried my pet frog then dug him up to see what death really looked like. I'm eight years old getting baptized in holy water, my uncle puts me under. They say all my sins have been washed away but I still feel the same. My dad wore his suit and walked like God.
I'm twelve years old behind home plate wearing my battle gear and scabbed knees, look dad! Did you see that catch? I thought it was beautiful. He says I'm leader of the team. I'm fifteen years old being swept in to this strong boys arms. All I wanted was my dad. He never taught me the different between a boy and a man. I'm fifteen and a half, sitting at the park high, pathetically high. My lungs are cussing me out right about now.
I'm fifteen and three quarters being sent to rehab for trying to die because of a boy that was nothing close to being a man. He left me with ******* in my system
I'm sixteen years old and I found myself a man. He's my NA meeting whenever I need it. He reminds me of my dad.