I would rather be strong I would rather be able I would rather be admired for my spirit and convictions than on how prettily I smile. I can take a door off its hinges in under 2 minutes. And I can do it heels and dress. I'd rather know how to change a tire Than how to call for help.
I would rather be gutsy I would rather live without fear. I would rather lead the march Then bring up the rear. I can dive off a cliff from 80 feet up And never balk as I lift off the edge. I know that kindness and encouragement can bring success Faster than belittling and disdain.
I would rather be smart I would rather be confident I would rather hold passionate discussions Than make petty small talk. Engage me with ideas of philosophy and literature. Tell me about space and democracy. Don't ask me about the weather.
I would rather be gallant I would rather be good. I would rather chance getting hurt Than close up my heart "as I should" I'm kind to all people I love, trust, and have faith. I'd rather feel love than put distrust in its place.