As the sound of her footsteps diminish in proportion to her figure her shadow lengthens across the street The horizon eats everything and I am always on the inside from that same hunger I yell, please.
She told me a secret Now I make maps from empty pages and hide my poetry in her I believe in nothing else
In the emptiest hours of evening through an open window to your kitchen stray animals are lured by the scent of flavours they've never tasted and I knock on your door hoping you are not home
In spite of the chemicals and circumstances that we are I kiss the stars and lose my place upon the pages you are writing
I long to be collecting on your tongue like snowflakes like secrets
I see now how after the third try a genie fails to complete what comes naturally in your arms
childhood is a secret we'll remember someday; for the heroes we were, for the monsters we saved
hope everything falls out of your pockets hope you arrive at the gates empty handed hope they can forgive you for arriving empty