All this time, I kept a fair distance to the things that might give much more of what they call pain. Until I learned, how to permanently (or so I thought) carve them onto a hidden translucent white wall reminding me that they're always there, lurking.
Years have passed and I have gone mastered the art of feeling nothing (or pretending not to).
So, when you came along, with all the glory of your humanity and the realness of your skin touching with mine, (remember those things I've carved?) they escaped like the wall had broken down fallen down the way I fell for you - little by little, inch by inch piece by piece, me by me.
All those fears that I tried to run away from were all stitched with your love and I can't love you if they're with you but I still did. And I still will.
Even if it throws me to the oblivion of my own sacrilegious fears, when the ransom for all those pain and hurt and suffering I will get is the infinite taste and satisfaction of my desires by your love.
*By your only love.
i am still trying to practice my writing and i hope you guys like it. hit me up, and let's get the conversations going. =)