The future of warfare Technology is different but the mentality is the same Human beings will continue to be slain But people will do anything to claim That we need them Because profit is the benefit of fear We’re told to fear those “terrorists” When truthfully that word doesn’t mean **** They’re different from us, sure But that doesn’t give us the ******* right to Claim that every single one of them is a murderer Aiming these weapons at them just makes us what we’re trying to claim They are Politicians will tell you it’s just protecting our “security” When all it does in reality is make us less safe They see us the way we see them This is a big problem and this is why war exists Assumptions, stereotypes, and ******* Made to sound pretty and patriotic by militaristic dipshits Isn’t it time we learn that the line between enemy and fellow citizen Is one that doesn’t really exist The only difference between them and US Is location and the names on a map Their culture or religion doesn’t make a difference None of it gives us a right to point a drone at them and go “zap” Let’s start a conversation Before we have another useless war They’re just as human as we are