Smoke emitting from our lungs, truth and lies dripping from our tongues Again I will succumb, strung out on a dream that may never become Real
Jaws as blunt as guns, But used to shield wounds that I never knew how to heal Wary to feel too, unresponsive or despondent For the fear that I may never come back
But I'm unsure that I'd even want to, continue to want you And use you to conduce an excuse, for what's wrong with me Transfuse my confusion unto you, Because really I don't want to face the truth
Austerity I'd have to spit out like a strong whiskey
So truly, what's the use in this abuse of romance? Advancing on a mere chance that your soul might want to dance With mine- I feel cornered, confined, But dare I cower ? Or feel empowered to believe flowers can sprout from gunpowder? Now we're years past a simple encounter, now or Never is a little too late, ground work of slate and mistakes