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May 2014
I can't sleep,
I'm waiting to find what I seek,
Till then my heart is growing weak,
Till then my brain is growing bleak.

I can't eat,
I'm still waiting to find what I desire,
Till then my heart is a forest fire,
Till then my brain is a flat tire.

I can't think,
I'm still waiting to find what I need,
Till then my heart will bleed,
Till then my brain will plead.

Where are you?
I need to find you!

I can't live another day,
I've already waited.
I can't live another minute,
I've already awaited.
I can't live another second,
My heart and brain have been deflated.

I'm slowly falling,
Yet I'm still calling,
Why won't you stop stalling?

I've fallen too far to come back,
You've gone too far to run back.
I need you here with me now,
But you've already gone now.
When you called for me,
I told you to forget me.
But look! Now I'm falling for you,
I hope it's not too late, because I think I love you.
Wrote this a couple years ago for  play I was working on where the main character was a amateur poet :)
Rebel Heart
Written by
Rebel Heart  BetweenTheBrokenWords...
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