I see them in my mind Count them as they fall Glittering red jewels Do not loose them all
One Parents split Two Mom doesn't understand Three No one loves me Four I hurt him Five He devoured my innocence, I thought I loved him Six It wasn't love, it was **** Seven I can't tell my friends Eight Judgement, if anyone knows Nine They all hate me Ten Inadequacy Eleven Alone Twelve No one understands Thirteen Oh God Fourteen .... Fifteen My mom finds me Sixteen She sees my rubies Seventeen Screaming Eighteen Hospital Nineteen Psych Ward Twenty They ask questions at school Twenty One I need to see my rubies again Twenty Two They make beautiful pictures Twenty Three I told you, and him Twenty Four Your sad faces hurt me Twenty Five You make me throw my pretty friends in the river Twenty Six I stop
For Daija, You are beautiful. I miss you. I hope you really did stop. I tried to help.