Gender is a ****. Now bear with me, I don’t mean it in a bad way I mean it as gender is elusive Gender is tricky Maybe with my words I should be more picky But that’s not the point The point is gender is something I cannot hope to begin to understand
Maybe gender is a universe And within it we are all stars Or maybe gender is an ocean Not quite the Dead Sea where everything floats And not quite everywhere else where everything sinks But somewhere in between And within it we are all jellyfish trying to string together a coherent stream of consciousness that somehow makes sense
And-see? It’s getting away from me I used to think gender was a binary Male, female, *****, ****** Everything coincides so we all fit into this dichotomy But that leaves no room for Alex who is sometimes Alex and other times Cassandra Or Sasha who is somehow both at once Or me who lays claim to no label, because all of them throw up a red light
There is one thing I do know as fact Pronouns are not a privilege They are a right
They, them, their: Singular gender nonspecific pronouns A customer came into the store today and bought twelve packs of gum I didn't know what was on their mind, but Maybe they wanted to kiss their lover full on the mouth while an orchestra of taste crescendoed around them Caleb came into class today with two cupcakes One for them and the other for their best friend who hadn’t shown up in two weeks Claiming “She’ll be here today, don’t you worry” And the rest of us lapsed into silence, knowing she was never coming back
She, her, hers No longer will I suffer in silence as those I care most for Call me something I am not I am not your daughter, I am your child I am not your sister, I am your sibling I am not a girl I am a nonbinary I know it makes no sense But if you just listen you might be able see To escape the past tense And start living in the future with me
No longer will we stay quiet Duct tape over our mouths as we are locked behind closed doors Buried beneath accusations of Transtrender Genderspecial “You’re just pretending” No longer will we stay silent The wrong pronouns whipping our bodies into submission
It Is not a pronoun ******* Is not a compliment
You sit in the audience groaning When will this queer shut up and go home Isn’t it enough that we acknowledge your existence But you don’t I cannot count the times I have been misgendered I cannot count the times I have wanted to speak up but didn’t Knowing I would not be taken seriously
Now I will not be silent until there are no more stories of Schoolyard oppression Trans suicides caused by a “lesson” I will scream myself hoarse until Trans women can walk the streets in safety and Bathroom means bathroom not Execution Remember this As we are forgotten by our cis siblings As we are told we don’t exist As you, the cis in the front row Realize That your daughter at home May not be your daughter At all
Just a poem born out of my frustration with gender