The summer roars in, but why do the leaves fall? This is the season of the spring, and the flowers revel in their grandiloquence of colour but right outside the window where you and I lay studying for hours on end, there is a tree that sheds its yellow leaves speaking of an epoch of time where once it was young and all green and then I think of you and me; how the summer is tunnelling through the happiness that beset our lives right now and we are sedated. I walk with you for miles and talk with you along the way and we skip over one topic to another, as if we were making our own house of cards. I eat with you everyday, and you let me be with you; Just like that yellow-leaves-shedding tree, I wonder if what we have will one day tumble into oblivion and I will only have memories of you on my phone and in my heart that then might ache.