Do you know what that Life is like? That Life that The survivor that Became is worth more than that Who died? The life that Living souls are worth more than that Dead guy staring at you out of that Pathetic history, that History of survivors that Had died so long ago that Had somehow become more than that Of real life? That Somehow those people that Didn't waste away that Were brave enough that Instead of pulling that Trigger or enduring that Pain were worth less than that Old dead guy that No one cares about now?
No, those that Decided that Their life was worth more than that Heartache changed and that Made them better. That Made them see that Their life of worth; that Life, that Living, that Change is of worth. That Made them worth more than that Deemed genius that Changed the world, that Now lacks power that Can fix the future that The world will live in next.
These survivors have that Which can save that World that They live in. They are waiting for that, A feeling of worthiness that Saves lives and spares futures, that In turn colors that Life of worth that Everyone strives for. That To strive for is to listen to that Which needs to be said. That Word spoken, that Ear listening, that Understanding is that Which creates that Survivor of that World that Is continuously becoming that Place where that Devil devours that Good light.
That You could be that Survivor; that You can change that Your fate and that Everyone's fate is that Thread hanging from the ceiling that Is about to snap, that Others have that Influence that Ultimately decides if that Thread will snap or not is that Which is most believable. That You could be the survivor is believable. That Which is believable will always have that Opposition and challenge. That Is the way it is.