For once, can I stay the way You want me to be? For once I want to be happy and lovely. I want to stay with him and Blend the colors of my skin Like oil pastels So my lighter scars won't show through.
For once... Just once, I want to be trusted. Let free to make my own decisions Without letting down the people I love.
I want to be free of confusion and fear, the voices in my head they attempt to sway My every step I don't want to go down that path!
For once I just want peace. Stillness Silence, except for a whisper from The one I will always love. For once, I want to allow him to Wear his suit of armour and Save me from my dragons. Battle the witch that cursed me And set me free from the ugly skin in bear. Kiss me and wake me up from this nightmare.
For once I need to accept the things I've already accepted in the past. I need to let go of the things Clouding my judgement, urges That I can not control.