Imagine if the nativity Took place now instead of then With technological advancement It'd be on the news at ten In fact it would make youtube A film clip at the stable Taken by a shepherd boy Underneath a table The three wisemen would go on Skype The gifts would be en route No need to travel all the way With the traffic in Beirut Phone banks would be all set up To raise funds for the birth The internet would be a buzz With the greatest news on earth No camels, inns or drummer boys There'd be no one there at all The Angel of The Lord would be Black Friday shopping at the mall In fact I do not think that it Would be a deal that we would follow Social media and the press Would make it all seem hollow I'm glad it happened when it did As time has come to pass With Jesus in a manger And wisemen there en masse I don't think it'd be Christmas If Christ was born today Without a cd or a movie deal Or a sport that he would play Christmas is...and always will Be the story we were told I'm glad it didn't happen now If I may be quite so bold Unto man a child was born And he, the son of God....