They say: Unsee their eyes, Unlearn their feelings, Clear your mind, and Just focus on your dreams. But the question is— What is my dream?
Is it art? Or is it music? Maybe it’s both, 'Cause music itself is an art, right?
Or maybe it’s a boy, Looking in the mirror, Asking questions about Affection and attraction.
Or maybe it’s a girl, With soft eyes and a fake gaze. But if it’s a girl, Then it’s difficult to achieve, right?
Maybe it’s something else, Yet to be discovered. Or maybe it is discovered, But I am still figuring it out. Maybe I know what it is, But I don’t know how to reach it. Maybe I have taken a step, Yet the path ahead remains uncertain.
Or maybe it is already achieved. But if it is already achieved, Then it is not a dream— It is reality, right?
And if it is reality, Then what is my dream?
Just a thought that wouldn’t leave my mind—so I wrote it down.