Scattered like a million stars These pieces grow roots Dig further into the recess Of all that will ever be And by time’s grace you’ll know I’m not a hero or your enemy
What if the truth Of your fictions could see Boogeymen lined like an infantry I’ve known hell since infancy So grab my hand as we cross To the end of the story Curbing your fantasy Enthusiastic with your condescension I reserve the rights to
Tell the truth from the fiction In all the ways that I could, Manifest a manifesto, Spread you thin til the feast is famished Look how the monsters vanish When wolves come a huntin’ I’m a howling at the moon Comin’ now baby come in And witness the turn about face.
Here you thought I would be a shield But the ramparts are topplin’, Walls give way and the drawbridge is open They’re storming the castle Lest you spin in your towers Better use the smoke of your hearth Call out an SOS, because I won’t be savin’
No I won’t be saving you, Not when it’s all laid to rest As the smoke clears the rubble And the fog releases to make way for clarity You will see I’m no hero or the enemy, I play the part you need in your make believe So make believe and carry it on I am carrion or Heracles in your songs
Scatter my image, In a million pieces Taking root in the frame Will I save or pillage?
The truth of the fiction is If you had a mirror, You could see monsters Staring back at you, Confession be ******, Hells in front of you, And in this I know, When staring into the fires I’ll catch you with a Birds Eye view
Forever this Forever more, I’m just a nobody baby, Creating the parasols In tell all capsules Weathering the storm Humming along To the beat of my drum.
Da-dum-dum-da-dumdadum-dum-dum-da-dum-dum On and on and on and on
As time slows for the guilty I carry on into the flood, Until your reveries of mysteries are but memory In the end of your days, you will remember me.
On and on and on Dum-dum-da-dumdadum-dum-dum
This is about how people may judge you or project theirselves onto you, sometimes flat out create fictions about you (think about it most of the time when you get someone who dislikes you and you don’t know them and they don’t know you it’s usually because of some fiction they conjured up) the piece is basically saying “okay well I’m going to tell the truth and you can make of it what you will but I am moving forward regardless”