Tear it down like Babylon Burn the bridges to a Nero song If my veins erupt like Vesuvius I’ll dance with you, in a sea of flame!
Discordant screams laquer the air In hopes to break obsidian skies But there’s no light to pierce a veil Or love to save their failed Veils that hide pale pallid frowns As the black meets red, exsanguinate
We dance at the wrath of the ancients Music in the maw of entropy The sepulchral choir of immutable expanse Into the end of all things As the flames belie the pyres of the crucible of souls We are burning to live one last breath
Obliterate the hopes for tomorrow When the baleful bane of moonlight bleeds And in the red cask of her eminent death Sheds the resonance to a dim lit dominion All that is ****** and cursed Coil in serpentine swagger
As the walls of reality rend like marbled meat Rotting on the spit, can you taste oblivion?
Tear it down like Babylon Burn the bridges to a Nero song As the world conflagrates in its timid spin I’ll dance with you in a sea of flames!
went for like a deathcore/metalcore vibe here, just flexing some word usage for fun here, not meant to be a super complex piece.