Don't really know what I'm feeling I'm probably feeling too much Don't know why I feel so lonely When every day I get your touch Don't know why I feel numb Numbing is a strategy Thoughts these day get so tough Having a heavy melody
Destiny of our souls? Where is it written, show me, My mind is desperate to know, Where all this is gonna lead me I am not ready yet To give up on every dream I know I keep steady In times like these I'm moving slowly
But with connected hearts Art is not a real choice It's a remedy The only place that restores My inner voice and my integrity
Does that mean I lack authenticity? Maybe, out of necessity? Maybe it's my conditioned brain, Always wired to simply be afraid. I've let confusion lead the way In many of my decisions, I've let anxiety lead me astray, Make me lose goals and precision.
Now I am here and typing Words in my phone from The heart. And I rejuvenate my core, Feeling it's warmth, Health being restored, Every tiny step counts...
There's no way this depression Will feed itself off of me.