If our lives could, in half of our lives, could be put together with the original nature of real, sincere friendships, and how many came and come up with honey-glazed promises, cheap, small-style, pathetic lies, perhaps as a deciphering. They stepped through a hesitant, uncertain will in an unfinished, much-to-tender life like the last legion of the Sahara sand dunes.
The love of love, who still has something flirted with the universe, thinks of the nights, and when he wakes up hibernation, he often does not really understand whether he could only make a mistake alone, or the one who betrayed him?!
It is incredible that this forty years have gone, and as they say, as something of a brain, ancient mantra text is that you. You have been a hysterical, dreaded, peeled puppy in your world life, you did not intentionally want to change and become absolutely, rigid than those who are more likely to have a comatose in the world.
It would be a good idea to collect the deliberately death of the happy-sadness that was deliberately died, which were still loyal by the lovely ash, princesses. Listening to the shadow of snow-white sandy, palm wooden beaches not only the murmurs of the seas but also the music of horns, what else can the uncertain doom in which we were born to live?!
It is always a bit more difficult to wake up to a real realistic reality, because it is already a bit of a nausea, nausea speeches, and - feared - if not taking care of it in itself!