I'm top heavy; my thoughts are resting at the brim – no cap! Often my lips leak their thoughts at the brim; and I’m a cup with so much to spit. I'm words on a spit – burning away time, in these fires of life. Always the unannounced guests, coming to visit your home; to make it feel like a show, making sure everything is in order – the house is live. Also, as you live with a drive, those around you hope you’re a responsible driver, to arrive with you alive.
I'm the tip of a scent towards destiny – hoping the path where my soul goes, my heart also knows; I shoot my shot with aims to shoot goals. I hold the script of a child's life, and my younger self looks at me, to play all of those roles.
But when the model falls, and rolls over on their stage, do you still look at them as your role model. At times I know why my self relates so well to a bottle – all of those emotions a man tries to keep bottled. While life feeds you time; a man still finds it a bit hard, for that piece of pride he has to swallow.
These days feel like too many moments of regrets, questioning what to do next – like the morning after ***. The two sit up, deciding who will go and buy the morning after; *** can be like sleeping with your regrets – it's an uncomfortable bed, but the one that you made. There's no shame in admitting your mess; just clean it up with your responsibility, before looking to hire a maid.