Life is just the façade of plastic – plastic money; currency crafted from synthetic dreams, one's plastic love; affections moulded in artificial forms. Too much of the latter; a toxic one's greatest trait.
Plastic taste; threads of regret cling to my teeth – my palate’s insides churns; the words of people made of plastic bullets; still their weight hurts.
Gazes of a select few friends resemble patient crows, observing the burdens you bear in a plastic bag of your baggage. A course of those processed foods; processed natural flavours – sprinkle a little more sugar to add weight to that plastic container.
“You don’t really match my flavour,” I wouldn’t know how it really tastes – my heart; I’d love to give you a taste, but it’s often filled with so much hate. And as I try not to break what holds my food for thought; I keep my dreams on a plastic plate.
But even plastic breaks, just with the right weight.
So tell me, why are you trying to carry the weight of the world?