If neoliberalism urges caution To our humanitarian approaches But causes legislative bloat And fosters lethargy, Then neo-conservatism presses observance To the safeguarding of our rights But causes judicial confusion And breeds separation.
Between us & I, Between collective & individual. So much joy amid the animosity, So many cliques amid the niches.
Sadly concentrated & widespread- What once was Orthodox is again Within the eyes of most of man.
Such twists of countenances, Such distortions of their own doctrines.
What scripture is not perverted? What documents are not violated?
What laziness by the righteous In eye of such cutthroat ruthlessness, For the extent of the lack of justice There is not nearly equal ire.
Get out & do something, Stand up for what you believe in, Lest you're unable.
Keep calm & carry on, Be civil & observe decorum! Keep calm & carry on, Be dutiful & raise the standard!
There's barbarians on the border, We're facing invasion And enemies from within! False citizens who lifted the gates; Members of the house & senate, District & magistrate.
The foreign threats grow, We're completely surrounded By enemies along our walls! Backstabbing friends conspiring against us; Those honored to be called partners & allies, Apparatchik & Goldfasanen.
There's a war being waged By the likes of values, beliefs- Through our culture! Capricious celebutantes with secret agendas; Members of the paparazzi & cinema, Big shot bankers & developers.
Every discussion is a battle, For the extremists are everywhere, By wealthy like terrorists! Tyrannous minorities with their backdoor deals; Those revered of the fraternal & esoteric, Seedy elites & naive henchmen.
So much most repulsive, henious, By perpetrators most traitorous.