Chin up Chuck; the girl broke your heart you say “I don’t give a ****” but she tore you apart. You think you’ll figure it out, and that she just might stay but after the words you shout, she knows she has to go away. Something’s you can’t get loose something’s just get stuck. You’ll wonder if it was love or abuse but chin up, Chuck.
Chin up Chuck, you’ve been left in the dark lost all of your luck but hope for a spark. You think you’ll find a route, get out of it all alive, drag and pull boot by boot, praying you might survive. Something’s you can’t just find something’s just get stuck. Are you in the dark or are you blind? Still chin up, Chuck.
Chin up Chuck; the world gives you quarrel you’ve drowned in the muck and let go of each moral. You think you’ll be missed, maybe seen as a martyr, in truth you’d be ****** because you’re only seen as a **** starter. Something’s won’t go right something’s just get stuck, but you don’t ever give up the fight because you’re Chin up Chuck.