tell me, what is the sound of a dying flower in my hands – as it detaches from the bunch of blossoms and leaves? the postman missed the message for me, that says, “I’m heaven sent,”as I pictured myself a better man by now - the mind draws, whatever aroma of heaven it dreams of, and carries that detached scent
tell me there, Mr postman – did you grow a rose in your pocket where I grew a small tree in my heart’s garden, where falling leaves can be heard. if I could use words filled with fire, I’d be a bonfire of poems burning at my creative compost. post me on the wall of your memories, as a painting of those falling leaves
as a darling would tell me I’m too worried about being a leafless branch – hey there Mr postman, I finally have the answer
the sound of crushed water from life, is just the sound of its final tears – and I’ve heard the tears of that flower, but it was really me crying about my own self - still being more fragile.