Two times of the day Two different realities As I am awake the reality is good As I sleep the reality is terrifying Yin and yang Sin and virtues Evil v. good As I see the evil As I see the sinful As I see the yin I sea the worst of humanity Human experiments Torture And bigotry These are not just a reality These are prophecies of What will happen If we don't learn for our past A lesson that means the future Of man kind As I wake I see the good in humanity The good The virtue And the yang The kindness and caring
Never more Never more Never more What will become of .... Us Will we live on and learn our lessons Or will we learn the heard way again The thought Of racism Homophobia And sexism Will These **** us For DNA don't mean (s)hit! Religion is a philosophy And gender is mind set! So why the (f)uck are we at Each others throats
Never more Never more quoth the girl Never more
As we fight we become zombies Slaves to our hate Slaves to insanity What will become of be of late Sin Yin Evil......
Never more Quoth the girl Never more..... Good Virtue Yang And life These are the things we need To obsess about Not the negative!
Never more Quoth the girl Never more Never more
Can we forget the past Or will we risk reliving it!