Drawn to the ocean drawn to the sea Your love is a river that is flowing free From the well of love you draw living water In partaking, we become sons and daughters You have drawn me from the depths of earth Holding me in your hands from before birth You opened your merciful loving heart Broke me open so healing could start Arms spread wide on that cross, on that hill Show me you loved me, and you always will Draw me closer than I've ever been before Draw me deeper in love each time I adore Draw me nearer to you every minute, every day Your hand upon my shoulder whenever I pray Take me beyond what I have ever done That, in fullness of time, we may live as one Lord, come to bless, make holy, and sanctify The gifts and the graces you bestow on I Help me shine your light to a world in need Make holy every thought, word, and deed Draw us together in faith, hope, and love And join with the angels in Heaven above To glorify your name in every place and time Draw me to you that I might be ever thine