to the little bird on the side of the road i’m sorry i crushed you to bits. i thought you were just so pretty that i held you in my soft palms and crushed you until my hands were stained with red.
to my friend with the little black curls i’m sorry i gouged your eyes out. you see, i thought that i could get lost in them and since i wanted to remain focused i dug my nails into those sockets and ripped them out.
to myself, as i write this, i’m sorry i tore my heart out. it was beating far too fast beating far too lovely and i left a hole in my chest because i love myself.
to a name i refuse to say , i’m sorry you hurt me. i’m sorry i hurt you, i mean you left me… untouched but since i loved you, loved you so very much i let you go.
if you love something so much, you will be able to let it go.