I dont wanna turn 18 I don't wanna watch As all my dreams Fade and fall Into the dark
I don't wanna turn 18 Because i know That once I do I have to deal with everything And even more With the thought of losing You
I know that once I turn 18 Everything that is easy Is gonna become So much Harder
I have to apply To get money Just to survive
I have to beg my mom To pay For me to get help Cuz otherwise I'm stuck here for life With no one To take care Of me
I have to deal With the possibility That I can't receive help Or funds And I just become stuck
And i have to deal With the thought That if you leave too I'll become lost And gross Because I can't even shower Or go out anywhere If you do
If i do receive the supports That i need I have to apply For so many things
A service dog Money cuz i cant get a job A careworker And a friend or two Because nobody simply Just wants to be friends With you when you're this broken
I don't wanna turn 18 Even though There's more things I Have access to
Sure I can now Buy **** And alcohol And consume it legally But I might fall on those As addictions Not once in awhile Supplements For fun
I'm spending my birthday with YOU And I'm happy to Because I'm happy with The things we do
But I fear That may be The last day You see me smile Or even breath And if I survive It may be awhile Before I can truly Say That I'm ALIVE