the brightest stars originate from nothing but the light at the end of this painful road is fleeting away and im afraid ill never find myself kindling
the brightest stars shine among the black sea but i find myself enveloped within the abyss there's no point of return for me.
the brightest stars become prismatic clouds when they die but i know now that even when i'm gone from this world all that will be of me is a drifting waft of smoke resting by.
the universe is a perpetual dance of light yet i find myself waltzing with the void away from all, yet away from blight.
i may not become a star, let alone a kindle but i'll be away from life's hatred outside insolent maws, away from all - i dwindle.
i may not be a star like everyone else and their brightness may burn my skin but where red streaks of fire rest cold, blue light under the moon is where i find my only solace.