We are all beat up and broken down Our hearts are like broken glass Bruised and bloodied knocked upon the ground We are lost like a man with no compass We are small and frail and weak The image is twisted by sin and shame But in the void, the silence will speak And the one who loves will call our name The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Prince of Peace the Lion and the Lamb His death brought us from chaos to one accord He is eternal and He is the Great I AM He was broken for us He was pierced for love He was crushed for our sins Obedient to the Father above This is where the healing begins His body is broken and his blood poured out He calls us to faith even when we doubt By giving himself, he makes us whole He enters in and restores our soul There is a longing this world can't satisfy There isn't a thing that we won't try But we are left hungry and unfulfilled But with God, we find radical love and fears are stilled We may be broken, but let us be broken together Clinging to Jesus in the storms and bad weather For he heals the broken hearted and brings joy to the sad He binds the wounded and brings the lost back to the field He is the Divine Physician He is the Balm of Gilead So, turn to the Lord and be not broken, but be healed
Lord, we are broken people, and we need you in our lives. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put us back together again, but you can Lord. Only say the word and our souls will be healed. You are perfect and we, most definitely, are not. We are broken, but we are not broken alone. You were broken for us so that we might be made whole with you. We die with you so we may, one day, rise with you to new and glorious eternal life. Heal us Lord. Heal our streets and lands, heal us Lord by the working of your hands. Hear our cries and come swiftly to our aid. You, Oh Lord, are our refuge and our strength. Break us, bless us, multiply us and perfect us. All this we pray, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen