Who can I turn to? When everybody is fighting his/ her own battles, The world around me is full of darkness and terror, Deep into the ocean of my thoughts I sink, Far from the shores, My body is weak, I am drowning, Who is there? Help!Help!Help!
Time is clicking but this time faster, The night has cracked, The rooms are getting bigger and lonelier, Shhhhh! Oh, I thought I heard something, F*ck, it's just the voices in my head,
I am in a torpor state, My heart is bleeding, From a distance I can hear it shutting down, Two paracetamol in my hand hoping they will take my pain away, God if it's your wish I pray to live to see the next day,
I wanna turn my face away from this cold and cruel world, I wanna be I wanna have a serene mood, I wanna have a void mind, I wanna live a normal life, Will there be sunny and better days?
Oh,here comes a new day, And the cycle continues...