I failed I failed I failed. I tried so hard and yet I failed. I did everything I was supposed to, and yet I failed.
Now, it didn't matter much. I honestly don't really care. But it opens a gateway for all the thoughts that I continuously fail to lock up. The thoughts. The thoughts. Those awful thoughts. Suddenly I'm crashed into by waves of feeling everything and then when it subdues, nothing.
EVERYTHING nothing EVERYTHING nothing EVERYTHING I am nothing.
Those thoughts feed off my self-doubt and disappointment, like a parasite. I can't get them out. I can't get them out. God, they're so loud. STOP STOP STOP STOP Shut up. Just shut up. Just stop thinking Just shut your mind up STOP STOP STOP STOP
Don't cry, no don't cry. If you cry, they'll know, and then, "Why are you crying? You have no reason to be sad. or anxious or depressed or possibly even ******* insane. No, no reason. No reason whatsoever.
So shut up, don't cry. Your life is great. You have great friends, (Do I?) You have great parents, (Do I?) You're healthy, (Am I?) You're alive, (Am I?) Nobody died." (Had I?) (I'm dead.) I'm dying dying dying Oh god, **** me please Please I can't do it on my own please please please.
It hurts so much, these waves of everything and nothing over and over and over and over and over --- and nothing works. My brain doesn't work. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop.
"My body hurts, it hurts so much, when you're not here, can't feel you're touch" - So Much, Cavetown