wake me shake me out of this febrile trance furtively pilfering my heart's ancient treasure once guarded by comforting spirits of warm hopes and beliefs held beyond reason
never questioned by the minds tribunal the jurors seated in the cranial court knowing eyes silenced by misguided faith's rhetoric
never minding the persuasive muzzle often ignoring serpent's retractable tongue always turning from the dark corridors light banished by modern-day pharisees
cloaked in mantles of treason patronizingly diluting what can only remain pure painted with pious platitudes
away far away i must sail from this folly an orphan of mystical doubt the frost and cold tempest I feel
cautious sensibilities a tenuous guide through these gray realms I traverse
trembling hands grasp transient hopes striving to shape deeper meaning
disciplining lazy traditional beliefs that hang on like phosphorescent spiders in the dusty lofty rafters of memory
deceptive iconic silhouettes faded de-spiritualized superimposed on a human-made landscape a beautiful picture gold frame and all!
absence of religious pop-culture faith eclipses peace i shudder at the prospect of this purge preparing for burial what must die the end of an age burned in effigy
a raging wilderness I now pass through i stumble by many a familiar and unfamiliar fane longing to be clothed with a mantle of peace
a vulnerable yet strong spirit I guard let not trivialized faith be my misleading guide
and if it is all meaningless alas! it may be still I must forge ahead to the sea ever mindful that rivers never return to where they have been separated at birth
i often hear roaring waves crashing and gentler waves lapping on shore but a body of water is not always the Sea.