To want to learn how become comfortable with who it is that you are.. within your own skin, is the firstfruit beginnings that will lead into the healing and resolve of your inability to be alone, and the overwhelming need of your current emptiness to have its debilitating loneliness filled in ways that in the long run, bring about more harm into your world than good.
What I brought to you involves the less traveled road that leads into true healing and resolve of this primary and current issue of yours.. but at this point, that is not what you want. The emptiness you will now have filled in your own current way, but it will come at such a cost. You were built to become healed into the fullness of who it is that you are.. and the comfort within your own skin that fullness will bring to you.. and therefore to your whole household.
That process takes time. It is difficult and uncomfortable. It takes trust and the desire to truly love yourself.
I did not lie to you.
You can start again with a different supportive, loving friend..
if you are fortunate enough to find one.
I hope for you that you do. xox
I can hear the distant thunder Of a million unheard souls Of a million unheard souls
Watch each one reach for creature comfort For the filling of their holes
When you've done all you can and the end is still an out of control trainwreck..
God is not on the Throne, Emptiness is;
..and the ever subjective paintbrush its all-consuming void creates