crazy foreign fare maybe you curdle defeat in the streets baring solar assault (you've fried your unit) harpy malicious harpies as bullhorns fact-fire biting into delirious fright-blight of abrasion upon your eardrums abstain (it's all an abusical !) refuse this parody the good night woe stains on your sleeves i belly believe you'll capture your death way out here at the merry least you'll pass a deathly coffin sneeze silly-silly breath breathe
the song This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us by Sparks was thoroughly stuck in my head at the time of the writing of this and a few other poems.
original version from feb 2024 :system crash mashed potato monster mash mobster lobster
crazy, foreign fare maybe / you curdle defeat - in the streets - baring solar assault - (you've fried your meat) /harpy, malicious harpies / as bullhorns fact-fire, biting into delirious fright / blight of abrasion upon your eardrums / abstain ; it's all a fusicial ! refuse this parody / the good night woe stains on your sleeves / i belly believe you'll capture your death way out here / at the merry least you'll pass a deathly coffin sneeze .... silly-silly