Don't call a women a ****, they don't like it. And don't tell a batter to bunt, they want to smack it. And whatever you do, don't try and give your cat a bath in the tub with that Mr. Bubble ****, he'll scratch you.
When your boss gives you the newly revised employee handbook, don't say, that ******, it went on and on and on. There was no plot, and I couldn't figure out, who in the hell the antagonist was.
And one more thing, if you fall in love and you think you found your soul mate, and it doesn't work, and you feel like your heart is being ripped out through your nose, don't give up. Because the right one is out there, somewhere waiting, and who knows, maybe they have a cat that likes baths and blow-dryers, and being dressed up like an Oompa Loompa from ***** Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,
it could happen... Don't give up. Link to the video/song of Don't