My last Thursday class is over - my class-week is over.
Looking back at the science building we’d just left, the hallway looked dark, like the throat of an animal, the people snaked out like a tongue, the archway seemed like a mouth - I shivered and looked away.
Lisa laughed, and my senses returned to reality.
The clouds on high, hung like fresh linens on a line being dried by the sun in its Egyptian-blue heaven.
The air smelled rich, clean and ionized and ever the inventive stylist, it periodically rearranged my hair.
Leaves rustled, sounding like a buzz of conversation, as they rushed from place to place, as if late to class.
The breeze was working hard, in jerky flourishes, like the strokes of an indecisive artist.
The afternoon seemed as bright and brash as a shout as if it wanted, no demanded, our emotional attention and I gave it, smilingly, ready for the weekend.