"I don't know what to keep and what to throw away, Paul"
"All of it, young love.. none of it.. I mean wait.. what?"
"All's I'm saying is.. I can finally see myself in the reflection, now that the mirror's wiped clean. Problem is.. I can only hold on to it for so long before it all completely goes away again..
the image of me, I mean"
"Ah. young Lovely.. the insurgent is embedded far too deeply into the City called, 'All of who it is that you are' To engage it or try to take it out right now is going to create far too much collateral damage"
"Then what am I to do.. how am I going to be able to hold on?"
"I have an idea, young love.. Shhh.. listen--"
"I have a feeling we're in Kansas anymore, Paul.."