Live your life though it's not an easy thing to do especially for those who are not born with inheritances every step of the way is rampant with imbalances it's also because the world is riddled with contrived rules everywhere it's still primeval law of the jungle sometimes we're not strong enough but at all times we need to think for ourselves protecting ourselves is the only way making it possible for us to live a life many choose to conform to the practices of the society some choose to stay true to their humanity the two choices often find themselves in conflict not saying there's no reconciliations staying true to yourself is not preordained to be a confrontation to the world sometimes it can be more of an integration because when you know yourself you become tolerant of the world because the more you love yourself you have to learn to love the world and slowly you'll be able to live out your own life the process is never easy but it's the only way to understanding life to loving it most of the time.