Spoilt from birth, Pampered and needy, Being the spare an inherited curse, Leading to actions often quite seedy.
Great aunt Margaret blazing the trail Questionable choices aplenty, Drugs and alcohol steering her sail A life of regrets, vacuous and empty.
Followed by Andrew possessing of valor But aimless and vain in every respect, His choices a mess, cause of great clamor, So by way of example what to expect?
As to his mother, that heart-shearing tale, The lovely Diana Princess of Tears, A tragic figure determined yet frail, The ultimate victim to her own inner fears.
But a glass half empty is a mindset of sorts, Blindly ungrateful to privileges bestowed, Clouding his mind with nothing but torts, Leading the spiral down a winding dark road.
We the onlookers can only but hope That time and experience will yet prove the key, Shielding his fall from that slippery *****, Grasping the change which for now he can't see.