I don't lie Because When I'm drunk I can't I can't lie I forget how Or I **** the consequences The truth Has so many consequences When it follows A lie A white lie Can still land Like a falling star Looking so pretty Up in the sky But crushing us all When it lands Knocked down By the truth Don't ask me Anything If I'm drinking Because I'll say it Wrong I'll say it Honest I'll say it Crudely Rudely Quite un-prudely And I'll laugh Like it's funny To hit you With the two edged sword Of reality Not realizing I'm gripping The blade With my own two Hands Coating us both In enough Honesty To honestly Drown us So I don't lie Because If I say it Sweetly sober Then We're spared the Careless calamity coming out crass and crapulent colored lips Tearing open Naked truths I can never Rewrap